Artiste Of The Year Nominees - SEEPMUZiK BLOG



Monday 29 December 2014

Artiste Of The Year Nominees

As we(SEEPMUZIK BLOG) roll out the "Artist of the year" nominations throughout the week,we are trying in as much as possible to build excitement and untold engagement on social media. This artistes are selected based on the quality of their production,acceptance songs by fans/bloggers/djs and event managers.

1] Aimskid - yaro cover
2] Reborn - Bose Ranmi Lowo
3] Kayy swaggz - Sun mo mi
4] Tbams - Back to the matter
5] Henzee - Ope remix
6] Teddy Bagg - Ward 7
7] Skimmy - Bawani shege
8] Penz Melaides - Bustin Her brain
9] Skinnybreezy - Ekwueme
10] Hydra - Not letting go
11] I.T.G - Freestyle Thing
12] El vino - No kill me
13] Marvelous - Arewa
14] Gleezy - Love U 4ever
15] Chocotifa - Alenu ku
16] Weynom -
17] Xdough - Chanji
18] Benel_c - Kamatable
19] Yohanna_sings - Rotate
20] 3zzy - Shoki

The winner of this category will receive his/her awards at "THE SEEPMUZIK UNLEASHED CONCERT".
